Comet ISON, Our Sun-Grazing Visitor from the Oort Cloud:-

A comet that left the outer edge of the solar system more than 5.5 million years ago will pass close by the sun. There are three possibilities when this comet rounds the sun : “It could be tough enough to survive the passage of the sun, the second is that the sun’s gravity could rip the comet apart, last possibiliy is that if the comet is very weak, it could break up into a cloud of dust.Early December may bring a short experience of the much-hyped Comet ISON that helps you to understand it, which entered the inner solar system in October and moved in curve around the Sun.“It now looks like some chunk of ISON’s nucleus has indeed made it through the solar corona, and appeared again,” Karl Battams, a comet scientist for the Naval Research Laboratory, told CNN.

Heat from the sun causes ices in a comet’s body to vaporize and creating bright glowing bodies.The closer comets come to the sun, the brighter they shine, depending on how much ice they contain. “It’s sending off dust and gas, but we don’t know how long it can exist that.”To capture a glimpse of ISON, says Foothill College Astronomy Professor Andrew Fraknoi, a clear view of the eastern horizon, just before sunrise.

The evaporated material from this chunk of dirty ice should make a beautiful cloud, and that there should be a long tail.It’s coming from the deep freeze of something called the Oort Cloud, it’s falling in toward the sun and then will move around the sun and back out to the depths of space.The Oort Cloud is approximately 10,000 times far from the sun, halfway to the next star and it is a reservoir of icy surplus chunks, a couple of miles from one side to the other side, which mostly stay out there minding their own business, but occasionally a couple crash or something comes by and one of them jump forwards with a lot of force toward the inner solar system.

Comet ISON was discovered in September of 2012 by two young Russian observers, who are looking for asteroids that are coming near the earth and might show a danger by crashing into the Earth.
Their cameras displayed this new comet for the first time.
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