Glasswing Butterfly "Greta oto":-
The glasswing butterfly "Greta oto" has clear, transparent wings and founds in Central America, ranges from Mexico to Panama.The glasswing butterfly is not common all over the world.Its Spanish name is espijitos, which means in English "little mirrors".The Glasswing butterfly gets its name because the tissue between the veins of its wings looks like glass.A butterfly with transparent wings, glass wings is rare and beautiful.The most obvious fact about glasswing butterfly is that it contains transparent wings, normally with border of black, brownish and orange.The wings are allowing light to pass through them and it has a wingspan of 5.6 to 6.1 cm.The length of a glasswing butterfly is approximately 28 to 30 mm.The butterfly belongs from Nymphalidae family and the Lepidoptera order .When the glass winged butterfly lays eggs, the caterpillar considers to be poisonous.For this reason, predators do not eat this toxic caterpillar.As an adult, glasswing butterfly drinks the nectar of certain flowers.The glasswing’s body absorbs chemicals from the nectar which make the glasswing taste unpleasant which prevent from predators to eat it.Greta oto adults also show a number of interesting behaviors, such as long migrations and lekking among males.They migrate for long distances as compared to other species of butterflies and travel 12 km in a day.

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