Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for our health.The main role of vitamin D is to keep our bones healthy and prevent them from breaking up.Vitamin D helps to protect against heart disease, reduce the risk of diabetes, reduce the risk of cancer.
There are many sources of vitamin D, like by sunlight , by food and nutritons, it comes in a number of different forms such as tablets and capsules.You cannot get the right amount of vitamin D from food your body needs .The main source of vitamin D is sunlight (ultraviolet B rays), the inexpensive and cheapest way to get vitamin D.How much vitamin D is produced from sunlight depends on the color of your skin ,where you live and depends on time of day. The middle of the day is best time to get more vitamin D.
The more skin you expose the more vitamin D is produced and large amounts of vitamin D3 are made in your skin when you expose your body to sun just for 15 minutes if you are bright colour skin.You don’t need to burn your skin to get vitamin D.How much Vitamin D you get from sunlight also depends on skin colour, pale skins make vitamin D more quickly than darker skins.When your shadow is shorter than you, you are getting sufficent amount of vitamin D and when longer than you mostly in winter time, you are not getting much vitamin D.
Melanin is a substance that affects how light or dark your skin color is.The more melanin means, the darker your skin color and affects the amount of vitamin D you can produce.There are 6 types of skin.These are
I type:-
Color :- White, very bright or pale, blond hair, blue eyes, pale brown spot on skin.
characteristics:- Always burns, never brown or tans .
II type:-
Color:- White, pale, blond hair, blue or green eyes.
characteristics:- Usually burns, tans with difficulty.
III type:-
Color:- Cream white, bright colour, with any eye or hair color, very common.
characteristics:- Sometimes mild burn, gradually tans or browns.
IV type:-
Color:- Brown, typical Mediterranean Caucasian skin.
characteristics:- Rarely burns, tans or browns with easly.
V type:-
Color:- Dark Brown, middle eastern skin types.
characteristics:- Very rarely burns, tans or browns very easily.
VI type:-
Color:- Black.
characteristics:- Never burns, tans very easily.
Foods that contain vitamin D are, fish, milk, Egg yolks, Beef liver.

One more thing that greatly reduce the chances of make vitamin D from sun that is age, how old are you, your skin has a harder time producing vitamin D in older age.Air pollution and being behind glass also affects on the production of vitamin D.
The Vitamin D Council recommends that does not take more than 10,000 IU/day for adults.Your body can produce 10,000 to 25,000 IUs of vitamin D after a little bit of full body sun exposure.Vitamin D can be harmful, if you take 40,000 IU a day for a couple of months.Don’t take vitamin D if you have high blood calcium levels without doctor consultation.

One more thing keep in your mind that exposing your skin to the sun for very long time, it can increase risk of developing skin cancers.
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