Thousands Of Visitors To Hit with Malware Attack, Researchers Say:-

Two Internet security companies have reported that Yahoo's advertising servers have been spreading malware to thousands of users over the last few days.The malware works as a malicious parties who have hijacked Yahoo's advertising network for their own purposes or business activities.
A security company "Fox IT" based in the Netherlands, wrote a blog post on Friday describing the problem. "Clients visiting received advertisements served by Some of the advertisements are malicious," the firm reported. Instead of serving ordinary ads, the Yahoo's servers reportedly sends users an "exploit kit" that "exploits easily in Java and installs a host of different malware.
"Fox IT also says Yahoo users have been containing harmed malware since 30 December. The firm says, malicious were being sent to approximately 300,000 users per hour.
The malware attacked faults in the Java programming environment is an important reminder that the software has become a security threat and its Java's security faults have become a juicy target for hackers.Security experts told that you should disable Java as an avoid danger if your browser allows it, but not JavaScript, a totally different technology.
A Security researcher "Mark Loman", has confirmed find out the malware.
A Yahoo spokeswoman said in a email to the Washington Post, "We recently discovered an ad arranged to distribute malware to our users. We dismissed it without any delay and will continue to monitor and block any ads being used for this activity."

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