In Belgium a team of researchers has discovered that people exposed to blue light show less brain activity and the other hand those exposed to orange light show more brain activity.
The study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers explain study, how they shined different colour lights in eyes of volunteers going for fMRI scanning and orange light might have an effect on the circadian rhythm.
The researchers was working on melanopsin and have believed that the melanopsin has an impact on the circadian rhythm.For more detail, the orange, blue or different lights were shined in volunteers eye's for ten minutes then their brains were scanned.

The researchers found during the brain scans studying, when the volunteers were exposed to orange light greater the brain activity, when exposed to green light a very small increase were noticed and blue light did not show any activity.The researchers said, orange light make melanopsin more active than other lights and messaging the brain to when it's time to be more alert.
The study did not show that orange light has an effect on the circadian rhythm and makes more alert.If it possible or turn out to be true in future then it might be a helpful for people to remain more alert where need to be.
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