London has introduced the new technology for pedestrian to cross the raod more safely.The new pedestrian crossing sensors to help make it easier and safer for people to cross the road throughout the capital.
The Mayor of London "Boris Johnson" said the system has ability to adjust times of traffic signals automatically, traffic lights help the system to measure situations how many pedestrians are standing on the side of raod and need some more time.
The new technology "Pedestrian Split Cycle Offset Optimization Technique" or "pedestrian SCOOT", uses state-of-the-art camera technology to notice circumstances like how many pedestrians are waiting to cross the raods.If the cameras detect the number of pedestrians are waiting , they inform the signals that pedestrians want more "green light" time with the signaling system.

"The system would be bringing huge benefits to those waiting to cross the road where there is heavy pedestrian demand," managing director of surface transport at TfL, Leon Daniels said.
TfL made its Safe Streets for London in July, according to report on a road safety action plan for London 2020 and the main purpose of the report is to discrease the rate of people killed and badly injured on London's streets.
The Mayor of London "Boris Johnson" said the system has ability to adjust times of traffic signals automatically, traffic lights help the system to measure situations how many pedestrians are standing on the side of raod and need some more time.
The new technology "Pedestrian Split Cycle Offset Optimization Technique" or "pedestrian SCOOT", uses state-of-the-art camera technology to notice circumstances like how many pedestrians are waiting to cross the raods.If the cameras detect the number of pedestrians are waiting , they inform the signals that pedestrians want more "green light" time with the signaling system.

"The system would be bringing huge benefits to those waiting to cross the road where there is heavy pedestrian demand," managing director of surface transport at TfL, Leon Daniels said.
TfL made its Safe Streets for London in July, according to report on a road safety action plan for London 2020 and the main purpose of the report is to discrease the rate of people killed and badly injured on London's streets.
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