Mason Wilde, a 16-year-old Louisburg High School junior, loaded blueprints from "Robohand" onto computers and using their 3-D printer at Johnson County Public Library made a prosthetic hand that is driven by the motion of the wrist.The hand opens if the wrist move up and the fingers close if move down.Mason Wilde wants eight hours to build this Robohand with the 3-D printer.
Jennifer said, “Every day, kids were asking him, ‘What happened to your hand, what happened to your hand,’ and I noticed it was wrecking his spirit,”. “Social stigma was starting to creep in on him.”

Matthew's mother discovered a Robohand on the internet but it is so expensive approximately $18,000, his mother cannot afford this hand.Mason Wilde made some changes to the hand developing the structures of the mechanism.
"When it is all done, to be able to say you gave a kid a hand, gave a kid the ability to grasp something and let him high five or hand shake, it is a pretty amazing feeling," Mason Wilde said.
"I actually have fingers. I didn't know what that felt like until now," Matthew said.
Matthew said, “I call it my toy tool, It is the future.”
"It has been a huge blessing. It has changed the conversation from, 'what happened to your hand?' to, 'oh my gosh! That is so cool.' That is huge when you are 9 and when you're a little bit different," Matthew's mom said.
Mason Wilde is looking into a career in the biomedical field and has inspired to start a non-profit to make prosthetics from 3-D printers for other children.

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