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How to Improve Your English:

How to Improve Your English:

1) Practice! You have to practice playing an instrument, practice driving a car, practice cooking food, etc. It also applies to learning another language. You can’t just read about English – You have to speak it! Try practicing with your friends, an online teacher, or other students online. Don’t worry about making mistakes.

2) Carry a small notebook. You should always write down new words and phrases that you’re learning. Also write down the corrections for your mistakes and any questions you have. Try to review this notebook often so that you remember all the new things you learn.

3) Watch TV in English (without subtitles). This will greatly improve your listening skills. You may not understand much at first, but over time, you will understand a lot and eventually you’ll understand 90% or more. This is also a great chance to write down new vocabulary, phrases, and questions.

4) Watch YouTube videos that teach English and read web pages about English grammar.

5) Read regular articles on the internet and write down new things you learn in your notebook.

6) Make it a priority in your life. If you only study/practice 3 hours a week, you won’t improve very fast. You should dedicate much more time if possible. Try at least 2 hours a day (10-14 a week). Always think about English and write things down in your notebook. Make it a big part of your life!

Of course, there are more things you can do. But if you do these things, you’ll see great improvements in your English.
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