According to biologist David Anderson "the brains of male fruit flies contain special cells that promote fighting" from the fly laboratory of California Institute of Technology.These fruit flies Known as Drosophilae.
Researchers says that the male flies have specific cells in their brains that promote fighting and that specific cells are not present in the brains of female fruit flies.
According to David Anderson, he says "The sex-specific cells that we identified exert their effects on fighting by releasing a particular type of neuropeptide, or hormone, that has also been implicated in aggression in mammals including mouse and rat.""In addition, there are some recent papers implicating increased levels of this hormone in people with personality disorders that lead to higher levels of aggression."
Fruit fly's genes play similar roles like to those of a human being.Researchers are not sure about these genes control behaviors like aggression.Anderson says. "Our study validates using fruit flies as a model to discover new genes that may also control aggression in humans."
A neuropeptide produced by neurons called tachykinin, or Tk, linked to aggression.By controling neuropeptide produced by neurons, scientists were able to make flies less or more angry.

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