It is designed by Croatian-Austrian collective Numen/For Use, "string prototype" is a inflatable jungle gym made up of a grid of cables which are able to carry human weight.It is located near the Viennese countryside. The designer group that build "String jungle gym" is known for its large-scale interactive environments and made an inflatable building with a network of cables known as large geomatric inflatable object installation.

It works on the same pattern(principles) or rules like a bounce house.In jungle gym air is filled into the whole things of gym like wires to make the cables strong to climb on.When the body will inflate, the cables will pull and tight into a structure and able to support human body weight.

"Bodies entrapped in 3D grid, fly in unnatural positions throughout superficial white space, resemble Dadaist collages.Impossibility of perception of scale and direction results in simultaneous feeling of immenseness and absence of space." said designers who are working on the project.

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