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Floor Exercise Make You Slim

Floor Exercise That Melt your Fat And Make You Slim:-

If you want to burn fat and lose weight, changing your diet necessary but not sufficient; 
Some people enjoy going to the gym to work out on exercise equipment every day, 
and others can motivate themselves to go even when they find the process tedious.
Gym memberships typically expensive, but not everyone has the time to drive to and 
from the gym every day in order to work out for a productive amount of time.
 You don’t actually need fancy workout equipment to lose weight.you can design 
an effective workout routine that can be carried out right on your own floor.

 Push Ups:-

they can help you to build or strengthen muscles in your shoulders, arms and even chest.
Most people know how to do a basic push up, but it is always worth making sure that you 
are approaching all of your exercises in the right way.

Here's Right way 

  1. Choose a flat surface that allows you to assume a face-down position on the floor.
  2. Place your palms on the floor, choosing to place your hands closer together will engage your triceps the most, while placing your hands further apart will work your chest muscles to a greater extent.
  3. Use your arms to push your body up, you are on the tips of your toes and that the weight of your body is supported by your feet and hands.
  4. Bend your elbows and drop your body back down to the floor, but your body don't touch the ground.
  5. Push yourself back up, and repeat the exercise as many times as possible.
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