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Highest mountain in the world

Mount Everest,  
                        the highest mountain in the world has captivated British mountaineers for decades. Why? As George Mallory had once said "Because it is there". It is the ultimate symbol of human endeavour where many mountaineers have gone to fulfil their dreams, resulting in triumph and tragedy.

On Mount Everest The British Story you can learn about the past and present British expeditions from our detailed pages of Mount Everest History. Some of these tales will inspire you, especially if mountaineering is something that you are interested in getting into. If this is not your cup of tea, then why not take a look over some of the weird and wonderful Mount Everest facts that we have? Some of them you may already be aware of, but most will surprise you!

We have exclusive interviews by some of the country's top mountaineers to inspire those potential climbers among you, and a complete up to date Summiteers list of all the British climbers that have stood on top of the world to keep you motivated. As well as this, we will ensure that you are kept up to date with all of the latestMount Everest news, not only from the United Kingdom, but all over the world. 

Mallory and Irvine researcher Phil Summers has written his own theories on the many questions that need to be answered in the ‘did they or didn’t they’ saga. His articles are ‘Interpretations and Implications of Mallory's last notes' and ‘Prospects for the Camera Film Viability'

Do you want to know what the weather is like right now on Mount Everest? Then why not take a look at our detailed Mount Everest weather forecast that we have.

This website has been built with the purpose of informing all potential mountaineers of what they can expect if they intend to take part in an upcoming expedition. As well as this, it is to ensure that the history of the many expeditions that have taken place is kept alive. Many people who are interested in mountaineering are unaware of the full history of Mount Everest and all of those who have sadly never returned. 

There is plenty of information on the many pages of this website to keep you informed and entertained, as well as inspired. If you intend on taking part in an expedition then read on, you may find out things that you never knew!
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