Here are some common phrasal verbs with their definitions:

  •  break down  : 

to stop working (of machinery)

  • break down  : 

to lose control emotionally or mentally.

  •  break up : 

to end; to separate. (of a marriage / a family / a relationship etc.)

  • bring up : 

to take care of a child until it is fully grown and able to care for itself; to train and prepare a child for adult life.

  •  calm down : 

to become less excited and tense; to help someone (or a difficult situation) to become less excited and tense. a person / a difficult situation etc.

  •  check in : 

to report one's arrival. at a hotel, an airport etc.

  •  cheer up : 

to become happier.

  •  come across : 

to find or meet by chance (something or someone)

  •  come up with : 

to think of; to produce. (an idea / a plan / a suggestion etc.

  •  drop out :

 to withdraw from, or stop taking part in (a competition, a social group, a school, a university, a job etc.).

  •  fill in : 

a form/a questionnaire etc. to complete (a form).

  •  find out : 

to make an effort to discover or get to know (something). the truth / a secret / an address / the time /

  •  get away with : 

to do something wrong or illegal without being punished (usually without even being discovered or caught).

  •  get over : 

to recover from (something) an illness / a failure / a difficulty / a shock etc.

  •  give up : 

to stop doing or having (something).(of an habitual activity, smoking / drinking / a job etc.)

  •  go for to attack: 

a person, an animal.

  •  grow up : 

to develop from a child into an adult.

  •  hold on : 

to wait (especially on the telephone).

  •  look after : 

to take care of someone or something

  •  look for : 

to try to find (something or someone), often a thing or person that is lost.

  •  look forward to : 

to think with pleasure about a future event that you expect to enjoy.

  •  look up : 

to find (or try to find) something (e.g. a telephone number) in a book (e.g. a telephone directory).

  •  make up for : 

to compensate for. mistake / doing or not doing something etc.

  •  pass away : 

to die.(usually of a person)

  •  pass out : 

to lose consciousness.

  •  pick up : 

to give someone a ride in a vehicle; to collect someone or something (sometimes in a vehicle).

  •  point out : 

to draw attention to something or someone.

  •  run into : 

to meet by chance.

  •  run out : 

to use all of (something) and have no more left. of coffee / sugar / money / patience / time etc.

  •  see off : 

to say goodbye to someone who is going on a journey at the place (e.g. airport, station etc.) where the journey begins.

  •  speak up : 

to speak louder. often used in the imperative

  •  take after : 

to look or be like an older relative.

  •  take off : 

to rise from the ground.(of an aeroplane)

  •  think over : 

to consider (something) carefully. a problem / a proposal / a situation etc.

  •  try on : 

to put on an article of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks. a hat / a new pair of shoes / a dress etc.
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