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Recycler That Changes Waste Plastic Into 3D Printer Plastic

At the Unversity of British Columbia, engineering students (Dennon Oosterman, Alex Kay and David Joyce) have launched a plastic recycler that turns plastic into 3D printing material, the recycler known as ProtoCycler.It ables to crush plastic bottles and lego etc.After chruing, it melts plastic into a filament that can be ate into 3D printers.

Dennon Oosterman said that we were concerned about the amount of plastic waste generated in our engineering projects, so we looked for a way to recycle that plastic back into usable filament.

Oosterman explained that there are several ProtoCycler type machines on the market which grind plastic and filament extruder as well, but ProtoCycler is a combination of the two that is faster and easier to use.It has potential to produce filament of 10 feet in a minute.The fastest extruder on the market, says Oosterman.

ProtoCycler can create 1 kg spool of filament with purchased plastic in cost of $5 or produced free with used plastic.The cheapest spool is available at $30.ProtoCycler costs $699 and for pre-orders visit at www.redetec.com.

"Schools are including 3D printing as part of their science and technology curriculum, but the cost of having each student try a project can quickly become unaffordable.""With ProtoCycler, the students can try over and over until it's perfect, nearly for free, without harming the environment," Oosterman said.

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  1. I suggest some due dilligence on your part in relation to Dennon Oosterman and his company before you associate your name with his. ReDeTec has taken orders for their machines and not delivered. I am one of the many who have been trying to contact the company about my machine, with no success. I paid for it (including shipping) back in 2016 and was promised delivery on 3 seperate dates, but nothing has come. They do not respond to emails and do not answer the phone. They are still selling units, but with a disclaimer stating that there is a 12 to 14 week delay in shipping as they are clearing their backlog. This disclaimer has been there since at least December last year, but still I do not have my machine. I have contacted the Better Business Bureau in Canada and logged this with the RCMP fraud site. BBB have also not been able to get hold on Dennon or ReDeTec as they have also found emails are not responded to and calls go unanswered.
    Out os sheer frustration with Dennon and ReDeTec I have now taken to notifying any organisation that he is associated with about this.


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